The drunken monitor debacle

March 6th, 2007 + 7:03 PM  ·  rackdaemon

Well the other night, after a fifth of Black Velvet, a friend and I decided to break out my new monitors and wire em up.  They sounded pretty good at the time, everything seemed ok.... a day or so later, I mixed a song on them and uploaded it here at Bandamp.  Luckily a poster at Audionews informed me of the EAR BURNING TREBLE that was a part of my mix (much to my own ignorance).  After checking the polarity of the wiring and setting some levels properly, things are back to normal hopefully.  Sorry to anyone that was exposed to that withering blast of 2k to 20k at probably 5-6 db hotter than it should have been!  peace - r.

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